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Fellowship And Companionship: Health Benefits of Friendship

Most people consider their closest friends to be the most important people in their lives. However, not all friends are good.

Friendship requires open communication, which is why the best of friends usually don’t hesitate to tell the truth, even if they think you won’t like it. Nonetheless, they accept you for who you are, just as you accept them, and you can rely on them to respect your boundaries, even if you disagree.

Healthy friendships also include mutual support, so a good friend will not simply expect you to assist them. They also offer their support when they can, even if it is only a listening ear. A strong friendship is also beneficial to your health. Don’t believe us? Keep on reading!

Friends help improve our immune system

Healthline/ Pinterest | Best friends will always find their way back

People with friends and strong social support tend to have stronger immunity. Their bodies show better anti-inflammatory responses to diseases and wound healing, leading to better health and reduced risk of illness.

Friends keep your brain sharp

In older adults, feelings of loneliness increase the risk of dementia. Talking with friends can help keep your brain going by providing you with new insights and ideas that you might not have come up with on your own. Participating in various leisure activities has also been linked to a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease. When you’re in a social situation, you think, feel, sense, and reason. These mentally stimulating activities promote the growth of healthy brain cells and the formation of new neural connections.

Friendship helps to keep you social

Healthline/ Pinterest | Sometimes, being with your best friend is all the therapy you need

This may seem obvious, but the socialization aspect of friendship is critical. This is because social isolation and a lack of socialization are as harmful to your health as certain medical conditions.

A lack of socialization poses physical and mental health risks, and isolation and loneliness can increase your proclivity to smoke or abuse alcohol.

Spending time with friends, even on a regular basis, can help reduce the risk of isolation. Friendship is also known to aid in developing social skills, which can help you remain socially active now and in the future.

Friends help secure our heart health

Our friends are our health supplements. They promote healthy reactions in our bodies and aid in the reduction of the stress hormone cortisol, which is a well-known contributor to heart disease. People who have close friends and acquaintances have fewer inflammatory chemicals in their blood, which leads to a healthier heart and stronger arteries.

Friends provide mental support

Daniel Muncey/ MPH | A friend is a gift that you give to yourself

Everyone faces difficulties in life. Friends can help you cope with adversity and celebrate adversity. Having good friends also aids in reducing feelings of loneliness and changing or avoiding unhealthy lifestyle habits. They can increase your happiness and, as a result, lower your stress level. Chronic stress associated with loneliness has been linked to shorter life spans, so it’s critical to make time to connect with friends and loved ones. Staying in touch with friends, even if only virtually, can help reduce anxiety and feelings of loneliness, especially during stressful events.

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